believe it or not....i just did what i deemed to be the most ''stupidest' thing i've done so far.....
BUT then again, i did not regret it at all.....he was really stupid...n really annoying. that guy is like the rudest tutor i've met in my whole entire existence!!!!!!!!! so he deserved it.....
but i've gotta admit, i was scared as hell when that word slipped out of my mouth.....
what happened was something like this :
- he came late to class.....
- 2 groups were presenting their tutorial homework in class as usual...n he was busy texting behind.........STUPIAK!!
- after abt 15 mins, he locked the door.....who the hell does that? STUPIAK!!!!
- after presentation, he kinda commented on the fact that the presentors weren't wearing any formal attire....hello???????? u didn't mention anything abt that coz this was after all just a normal presentation on our homework...not an assignment presentation....STUPIAK!!!!
- then he commented that after 15 mins of class, he's gonna close the door....coz he won't allow the late students to come in........DOUBLE STANDARD GUY!!!!! STUPIAK STUPIAK STUPIAK!!!! he himself was late ok....
so, my anger was like building up since the beginning of class...n upon hearing that i pun mumbled the word 'stupid'.........or at least i thought i mumbled it, coz the word came out from my mouth loud n clear......the class was quiet, so everyone obviously heard it =_=" hehe.......n he said
as nervous as i was, i suprisingly managed to reply him coolly n casually...........
" Oh.....i dropped my eraser on the floor."
hahahahaaaaaaaaaahahahaaa........he didn't reply anything after that.....maybe he believed me, or maybe he knew i was referring to him n he didn't dare to go AGAINST me....muahahahahaha...
or maybe deep down inside, he's gonna target me for the rest of the semester....die la if like that....
after class, my classmates began asking me abt my sudden outburst.....some really believed it was abt my eraser but others knew that i was 'stupiaking' that stupid guy coz they saw my eraser.... hahahaha....
well, at least i got lots of compliments from my classmates were glad someone dared to do speak up to that guy....i did wat everyone else wanted to do, but did not dare to do it.....the whole situation was kinda........LIBERATING!!!!!!
n for once i did something really wrong without feeling guilty abt it......ohhhhhhh, how i've changed...i'm becoming more erm.....honest????
hahahaha......well, i guess i'll have to find out soon if he holds a grudge against me....
Lunch at Wizards at Tribeca, Jalan Imbi
6 years ago
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